360° Evaluations & Reports

EnableOrg®’s subject-matter expertise enables practical yet optimised evaluations & reports. Whether it’s a one off 360° Leadership Development measure, a smaller focused psychosocial risk assessment, a Healthy Culture maturity gauge, or regular measures, choose just one or a combination, you can rest assured we use evidence-based best practice to give you quality, reliable transparency, not generic misconception.

EnableOrg® offer exclusive subject-matter expertise 360° evaluations & reports

Not all survey measures used are fit-for-purpose for desired insight & implementation. Not all ‘fixes’ or controls’ provided offer real corrective actions.

Our evaluations & reports are all done on-line for ease of use & convenience. No disruptive consultants coming in, no collective down-time, no extortionist fees for sub-par work. Just expertise outcomes with minimum disruption & maximum convenience.

With our expertise you can rest assured the results you get are in-depth requirements with evidence-based tools and industry leading corrective actions provided, not just superficial common misconceptions

Identify & Evaluate Report

  • Identify each leaders 360° internal thinking & skills, external effectiveness & leadership style

  • Each identified facet is evaluated and ranked for each leader from from high to low to give objective data-driven transparency with prioritisation needs

  • A good option for those that just want a gauge of where current leadership is performing

Identify, Evaluate & Manage Report

  • Identify each leaders 360° internal thinking & skills, external effectiveness & leadership style

  • Each identified facet is evaluated and ranked for each leader from high to low to give objective data-driven transparency with prioritisation needs

  • A set of recommendations & corrective actions are provided for each leader based on their individualised evaluations

360° Leadership Assessment Packages

Leadership is by far the greatest predictor of both organisational outcomes and desirables, as well as employee mental health and psychosocial compliance effectiveness.

Most often organisational leadership is not optimised not because of lack of willingness but rather lack of high quality objective transparency of effectiveness.

Psychosocial Risk Evaluation Packages

A measure of psychosocial risks such as work demand, job control, role clarity, support, reward/recognition, bullying etc.

These are the current Model Code of Practice for Managing Psychosocial Risks which are good practice guides.

Identify & Evaluate Report

  • Identify each psychosocial risk

  • Each psychosocial risk is evaluated and ranked for level of risk from high to low to give objective data-driven transparency & effective resource utilisation

  • A good option for those that don’t want to initially commit to software management for workplace psychosocial risk but still want transparency to make evidence based decisions

Identify, Evaluate & Corrective Actions

  • Identify each psychosocial risk

  • Each psychosocial risk is evaluated and ranked for level of risk from high to low to give objective data-driven transparency & effective resource utilisation

  • A set of expertise, best practice recommendations & corrective actions are provided for each psychosocial risk exclusive to our platform

Healthy Culture Maturity Assessment Packages

One of the most overlooked psychosocial factors is organisational culture. At EnableOrg® we know culture isn’t established from incident logging, modules and other superficial claims.

We measure and evaluate Healthy Culture maturity as it actually performs and requires. Giving you key holistic in-depth transparency like no one else.

Identify & Evaluate Report

  • Identify each Healthy Culture maturity facet as it’s real functionality

  • Each identified Healthy Culture maturity facet is evaluated and ranked from low to high to give objective data-driven transparency of culture risks

  • A good cost effective option for those just want evidence-based visibility of their own unique Healthy Culture maturity

Identify, Evaluate & Manage Report

  • Identify each Healthy Culture maturity facet as it’s real functionality

  • Each identified Healthy Culture maturity facet is evaluated and ranked from low to high to give objective data-driven transparency of culture risks

  • A set of recommendations & corrective actions are provided for each Healthy Culture maturity facet based on your unique organisational needs